Yesterday, I was in Fort Collins, CO for the first time. We were there to pick up my cousin, Kelley, from CSU. While in Fort Collins, I got to meet up with a former co-worker of mine, Jan De Bruyn Kops from National Cable Communications. (Shout Out) It was great to see a familiar face on the trip. He picked me up for lunch and we went to this great deli/bar in downtown Fort Collins right near CSU. I got an Italian sandwich called the Sicilian Kiss and we picked up a round of Fat Tires at the adjacent bar. MONZ!

Fort Collins definitely has a great laid back vibe that I noticed just from being there for only a few hours. I'd definitely visit again.
After lunch, I met my parents at my cousin's sorority house. This place is legit. I kind of wish I went to a college with a fraternity scene! It was great to see Kelley since it had been a few years since our last meeting. We then headed to Monument, CO to see the rest of the family.