Saturday, August 29, 2009

So this is a Blog?

Let me begin by saying that I have never been the blogging type. I have never really even followed blogs before. Does Fail blog count? I guess I have not really had much to blog about. Why just bore anyone who happens to stumble upon my writings? Now, I think I might have something worth sharing. First, I am going back to school to study a field that I have barely tapped into. Second, I am moving away from my hometown to a new place. Third, I have the opportunity to go on a cross country, three week long, road trip. Fourth, I will be training for the Marine Corps Marathon in October. Last, but not least, I will become an Uncle for the first time in late October. Let's get started.

I have recently decided to leave my job and go back to school, pursuing a certificate in web publishing online. I've always had an interest in web development and the process of building websites. I like the fact that this line of work shows the immediate results of my labor. I begin these classes on Labor Day. In the process, I am leaving my apartment in a prominent DC suburb and moving back under the parental units' roof in Milton, DE near Rehoboth, Dewey and Bethany Beaches. For work, well, I haven't exactly figured out that part yet, but I'm sure that it will be some sort of restaurant or store part time. We shall see. First, I have a major road trip.

In the near future, I am going on a cross country road trip with my parents. My father, upon returning from a year assignment overseas, wishes to see the country. Since school is online, I will be accompanying my parents. I'm actually very excited about this and figured that this would be a good place to start blogging. During my travels, I am hoping to find a city or place that I could potentially call home. I'll write about the people, places, and things that I have seen so that I may look back on this trip and weigh my options. After school is done, I plan on applying to jobs in different cities and will try to get out of the DC area for a while. While on the road, I will do my best to keep up my training.

As of today, I am less than 8 weeks away from attempting to complete the Marine Corps Marathon. I may write a little about my training progress, but training for a marathon isn't exactly the most exciting thing to read about. I figure that my time in DE will leave me with little else to do besides eat, sleep, study, train, repeat.

As for becoming an Uncle, I am ecstatic. I don't know what else to say. My sister and brother-in-law have decided on the name Katherine Grace Dunn. I'm pretty sure that is the spelling that they have chosen. I will definitely write more about this later, but I just wanted to get that out there.

I know this post was all over the place, but future ones will center on one topic.


I'm going to try and throw out some tunes that I've been enjoying recently. They may or may not be of some relevance or they just may be a serious jam that I'm thoroughly enjoying at the moment. So here you go...

Patrick Cicere

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